Board Regular meeting of the Prospect RFPD Board
P rospect Rural Fire Protection District
Minutes of the Board of Directors
Regular Meeting,
September 16, 2024
President Karen Wickman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Attending: Karen Wickman, Clay Thomas, Bob Scott, Lon Stockebrand, and Joyce Dierking
Also Attending: Fire Chief Lyle Neville, Bob Jones (financial officer) and 10 other community members
Approval of August minutes. Clay made a motion to accept, Joyce seconded, passed 5-0.
Bob Jones gave his financial report. Bob Scott made a motion to accept, Lon seconded, passed 5-0.
Lyle gave the Fire Chief report.
Melissa Taylor gave a report on the Levy committee's work. The Levy committee is planning a fund-raiser chili feed dinner for the Fire Department October 19. Details to be provided later. She thanked the board for their unanimous support of having the members of the community vote their choice of a levy.
Bob Jones presented a set of proposed Prospect R.F.P.D. goals. He also provided Proposed Local Option Levy Options for the next 5 years. In addition he provided a chart showing R.F.P.D. local levy cost to property owners. Copies of this information was handed out for board members. Board members will read this material and will discuss them at next month's meeting.
Clay Thomas brought out that our policy states that we will evaluate the Fire Chief annually and that our Fire Chief has not had a board evaluation in the last three years, Clay recommended that our policy book state that the Fire Chief will be evaluated every January. This lead to discussion about what form this evaluation should take. Bob Scott suggested finding the evaluation used previously and revising it. Clay will contact other small districts for a copy of their evaluation form. We will then put together an evaluation form that with include the Fire Chief's job description as we have not up to this point provided our Fire Chief with a contract.
Joyce suggested the board resume work on the revision and completion of our policy book(s). There are several corrections and revisions which must be done on Book 1. Joyce also made the suggestion that we seek out policy books from other districts that are about our size instead of trying to use a set of books from a fire district much larger that ours that employs many people. Karen handout out a sheet with time slots. Board members were asked to indicate then they would be available to hold a special meeting to work on the policy book(s).
Public comment was accepted. Items mentioned: transparency with the community, to complete Fire Chief contract and evaluation, a community member expressed gratitude for the prompt, efficient, kind, professional emergency medical help his wife received from our fire department volunteers very recently, board member activities, education and training.
Chris King demonstrated the fire department's new cardiac monitor.
Joyce made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Clay. All in favor to adjourn.
Recording of meeting available at